Deanery Basset Hounds  

Founded in 1976


History  of the Breed

The first mention of the word "Basset" as applied to a breed of dog appears to have been in an early text on hunting written by Fouilloux in1585. This book is illustrated with what is considered the first drawing of a Basset, a woodcut showing a sportsman going out in his charette de chasse accompanied by his "badger dogs" and Fouilloux gives advice on training the dogs for the purpose of badger hunting.
It is thought that the friars of the French Abbey of St. Hubert were  instrumental in selective breeding from various other strains of French hounds to produce a lowerset, hence slower moving dog which could be followed on foot. The word "Basset," derived from the French adjective bas, means a  "low thing" or "a dwarf." Since hunting was a classic sport in medieval France, it is not surprising that many of the thoroughly efficient small hounds found their way into the kennels of the aristocracy, only to be dispersed with the changing life style brought on by the Revolution. However, the breed was not lost and we find them mentioned again by M. Blaze in his sporting book Le Chasseur, written in 1850. About the same time, in his book Chiens de Chasse, M. Robert writes: "The Basset will hunt all animals, even boar and wolf, but he is especially excellent for the chasse a tir (shooting with the aid of hounds) of rabbits and hares."
By the mid-19th century, the two largest breeders of Bassets in France were producing dogs of slightly different type, especially in head and eye, the two types being identified by the names of their respective breeders.   M. Lane?s hounds were broader of skull, shorter of ear and with a rounder and more prominent eye. They were generally lemon and white in marking and had a tendency to knuckling. Count Le Couteulx produced hounds that had more narrow heads, more doming in topskull, a softer, more sunken eye with prominent jaw and a down-faced look that created more facial expression. The more glamorous tricolors of Le Couteulx hounds made them preferred.
In 1866, Lord Galway imported a pair of French Bassets of the Le Couteulx type to England. The following year a mating of these two produced a litter of five pups, but as there was no public exposure of them, no interest in the breed was stirred. It was not until 1874, when Sir Everett Millais imported from France the hound, "Model," that real activity with the breed began in England. For  his support of the breed and continued drive on a breeding program within his own kennel as well as cooperation with breeding programs established by Lord Onslow and George  Krehl, Sir Everett Millais has to be considered the "father of the breed" in England. He first exhibited a Basset at an English dog show in 1875, but it was not until he helped make up a large entry for the Wolverhampton show in 1880 that a great deal of public  attention was drawn to the breed. A few years later, further interest was created when Queen Alexandra kept Basset Hounds in the royal kennels.
In the United States, it is thought that George Washington was the owner of Basset Hounds presented to him as a gift by Lafayette after the  American Revolution. In 1883 and 1884, English importations were made  by American fanciers of the breed. In 1884, Westminster Kennel Club held a class for the Basset Hound and the English import, "Nemours," made his debut before the American public. After subsequent entries At Eastern shows, he completed his championship at Boston in 1886. The first Basset Hounds were registered with the American Kennel Club in 1885.
Gradually the breed began to find favor. By the 1920s, Gerald Livingston was making multiple importations for his Kilsyth Kennels on Long Island. About the same time, Erastus Tefft brought over to his kennels a number of English Bassets, drawing heavily from the Walhampton Pack. Carl Smith imported two French Bassets, one a French champion. Bassets were beginning to be  represented regularly at larger shows.
Further attention was drawn to the breed when the February 27, 1928 issue of Time magazine carried the picture of a Basset puppy on the  cover. The accompanying cover story was a write-up of the 52nd annual dog show of the Westminster Kennel Club at Madison Square Garden as if it were attended and observed by the puppy.
In 1935, a national parent breed club was organized in the United States,  the Basset Hound Club of America. Annual Nationals of the club are held  which bring together various fields of activity for this capable breed;  conformation, field trialing, pack hunting, obedience, and tracking.
By the 1950s, the Basset Hound was synonymous with TV?s "Cleo" for  the general public, and in England the cartoonist Graham of the Daily Mail had made "Fred Basset" almost human by having him represent  Everyman. But the dependable and multi-purpose qualities of the breed can never be completely obscured behind a droll façade.


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Deanery Basset Hounds (Perm Reg'd)
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Len Dooling (
Silverthaw Shelties) - Web Design - All rights reserved
Last Revised:
June 11, 2023